Friday, December 26, 2014

☽ Sagittarius: In Depth ☾

Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Symbol: Archer/Centaur

Sagittarius is an ambitious, friendly sign with passionate interests in adventuring, philosophy, and sharing information with others. Ruled by fire and the exciting planet of Jupiter, Sagittarius is never uninteresting. These people are often talkative and enjoy having conversations about "bigger picture" topics such as humanitarianism, religion and philosophy, war and peace, culture, and more. And if they aren't talking about it then they are at least almost always aware of it. They are also honest (sometimes to the point of bluntness) and don't feel afraid to express their likes, dislikes, beliefs, or disbelief in any topic or setting. They stand up for themselves and their closest pals (of which they have a lot!). Their interest in sharing opinions with others and traveling bring them a lot of friends. Although very rebellious and sometimes argumentative, their often positive personality makes it easy to forgive them for their occasional outbursts. Their symbol is an arrow or a centaur pointing a bow and arrow, representing their determination at discovering the world. They are intuitive and often know when something "isn't quite right" or a secret is being kept from them. This sign enjoys uncovering the underground culture in life, the "unexposed" sides of things (especially with world issues). They are also very good at achieving their goals and things they decide that they want, even if it means pushing, bossing, or arguing!
Sagittarius is a great friend who will always welcome you with open arms. Rarely do they hold grudges or become overly cautious around others. They like to disregard social labels as well, and find themselves right at home with any new group of people or contrasting group of people. They make stick out like a sore thumb to some people but to the Sagittarius it does not matter at all! As a friend, they enjoy conversation and activity, and if you have an opportunity to travel with them that's all the better! They're up for anything and everything and enjoy spontaneous adventures. Sagittarius is also a generous friend, sharing their knowledge, possessions, and wealth with all their closest friends. In the emotional department, Sagittarius may not be that available however, as they normally are able to take life as it comes and accept life as it goes and may expect that you do the same. They will listen to you but it's possible that they may encourage you to move forward or see the bright side of things (within reason of course) instead of being a shoulder to cry on.
As a lover, Sagittarius is very difficult to pin down for a long-term relationship. There's just so much out in the world to do that they may forgo having a relationship just because they're never at home! They also see opportunity in everything, being the lucky optimists that they are, and may be prone to dating around or even cheating. However, if you do have a loyal Sagittarian at your side they make great partners; always upbeat, strong, and steadfast in the face of adversity. They love intellectual conversation and exchanging opinions and knowledge with their significant others. They are passionate about the people who inspire them and want to support them all the way to success. Even though you may not witness Sagittarius ever having a drawn-out and deeply emotional moment in public with their lover, they may show them in private.
Employed Sagittarius is hit or miss. If they aren't passionate about the career field they're in, they'll make the best of it for the money's sake but you won't ever see them taking it seriously. They are rebellious when it comes to control and authority and will fight for their freedom within an establishment even though they willingly signed a contract stating all the policies! They are prone to innovative thoughts and opinions and will share them with everyone, sometimes even the boss. They are definitely capable, good workers, but are best as entrepreneurs, leaders, or positions that involve independent travel. They are great with people and enjoy communicating and being in a position that requires diplomacy, speech, maybe knowledge of other languages, and a little challenge is perfect for them. If it involves changing the world for the better and helping others, that's a plus. Sagittarius may do best as a lawyer, journalist/reporter, company PR, CEO, humanitarian activist, politician, travel agent or tour guide, traveling salesman, international volunteer (i.e. Peace Corps), translator, or entrepreneur. There's also an overwhelming amount of famous Sagittariuses in the art, music, and acting industries.

Friday, December 19, 2014

☽ Scorpio: In Depth ☾

Planet: Mars, Pluto
Element: Water
Symbol: Scorpion

Scorpios are passionate, powerful people who like success and exploring the world. They are often misunderstood and stereotyped as secretive, neurotic, controlling, kinky, and vengeful, but this is not true. Although there are those Scorpios who live up to this reputation, many of them are actually great conversationalists, loyal and supportive loved ones, and very generous in sharing their success with those closest to them. Scorpios are interested in all kinds of subjects, from the very commonplace to the very taboo, and they don't even bat an eye when switching between the two ends of the spectrum in conversation. They are intelligent, intellectual types. This often gets them far in their chosen career, as they use their intellect to explore all aspects of their job so that they may truly understand it. They do appreciate power and success, especially in business, and are often ambitious and hard-working. Ruled by both Mars, the mythical planet of chaos, and Pluto, the mythical planet representing birth, death, and the underworld; combined with their tempermental, deep, and sensitive water element, this makes for a very interesting, fiery, personality.
As a friend, Scorpio is loyal until the very end, or until you truly betray their trust. Scorpio operates on true connections with their friends and family. Nothing is hidden, nothing is off-limits for discussion, and secrets stay secrets between them. Because of the deep nature of Scorpio, of course deep feelings and secrets are shared with their friends, so wouldn't you feel betrayed if that person went and shared this with another stranger? Their may be a grain of truth in the "vengefulness" Scorpio exhibits when someone rips them off but it's not going to be extreme like violence or threats. They may spread rumors or conveniently "disrupt" a chance that the offender has at success in school or the workplace. The upside to a Scorpio friendship is that all your secrets are safe with them, and as long as there's a fair balance of give and take, you have a supportive, interesting friend who will have your back in any fight.
As a lover, this is where Scorpio gets the bulk of their reputation! Scorpio love is intense, passionate, sexual, and intoxicating. Emotions can run high! Scorpio is just as great of a friend as they are a lover. They are supportive and love to see their partners succeed. They are dedicated emotionally and physically. And yes, they do like to explore sexuality and have a one-on-one sexual connection with their partners. Cheating is out of the question and can result in grudges, hurt feelings, and a lot more. Scorpio is either in deep, or not at all in a relationship
As an employee, it depends on the career. If this sign is respected and appreciated at work, the payoff for their employer can be great. Scorpio is a hard-worker and is very aware of the balance of power between employer and employee. Most likely, this sign will choose to climb the ladder to the top of whatever field they choose to work in. It's safe to say that this sign does well in any career field as a supervisor, manager, CEO, or any other higher-up title that pays well and gives them a chance to utilize their intellect and naturally strategic, analytical minds.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

☽ Libra: In Depth ☾

Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Symbol: Scales

Libras are talkative, cheerful people who enjoy the finer side of life and balanced friendships. Being ruled by Venus (just like Taurus), Libra appreciates luxury and beauty. They are often keen, stylish people, with the women especially being drawn to the glamour and perfection of makeup art and designer clothing. They are hard-workers, showing up for work every day, and sometimes even having more than one job to pay for their love for comforts and materialism. Libra is also usually very chatty, reveling in social harmony and satisfaction of a good party or get-together. They are normally respectful, upbeat, and friendly and are often well-liked by their peers. As an air sign, they enjoy conversation of all types and most likely have a vast connection of friends of all walks of life.
As a friend, Libra is fun, fair, and a great listener. Although don't expect them to help you make any important decisions! The sign of the Scales often has trouble making their own life decisions as they can see from a birds-eye point of view the pros and cons of every situation. Other than that, Libras are great conversationalists and are a lot of fun at social events. They like balanced friendships, so the etiquette of giving and receiving is very crucial to them. If they loan you money they expect it back, if they do you a favor they expect one of you in return, if you help them out they'll help you out, and so on. If you anger a Libra it may be hard to tell because they may come off passively or passive-aggressive depending on the situation. They don't like upsetting the social harmony between people and they don't like doing things that may lead to unforeseen consequences so they make not speak up when angry or hurt. It is best to watch your actions and apologize outright than wait for them to approach you. Another thing is that in situations that call for emotion, they may appear distant or purposely uninvolved (an air sign trait!).
As a lover, Libra is tricky to pin down being an air sign and usually a well-liked member of any social group. They are also not very forward when they like someone (again, not wanting to upset the balance!) and may wait for that person to approach them. This also counts as a life decision for them and they could have trouble being decisive about and in a relationship for fear it may be the wrong choice. However, when a Libra is in love, they are very graceful and loving. They are admirably sophisticated and prefer giving and receiving nice dates and nice presents. They may spoil their partner a little bit too. They like communication without argument, and as stated earlier they may not be up front when things bother them. They shy away from emotional conflict as it is hurtful and sometimes unfair. All in all, Libra is definitely a romantic and a real smooth-talker, and you may even be surprised at what type of passionate intimacy this air sign is hiding behind their stylish, modest, and cultured outer shell.
As an employee, Libra is great. These signs rarely take a day off work because they appreciate getting paid. They work hard and they do not complain when things aren't going their way. They might adopt a self-righteousness due to how hard they work without complaining. Their love for chatting is occasionally a hindrance to their work performance as they can get side-tracked easily catching up with a loyal customer or a favorite coworker, but it's forgivable due to their ability to charm clientele and higher-ups. They are great with people and have boundless social energy to spare so they may be good in customer service positions. Again their ability with people together with their love for balance, equality, and justice can serve them well in the fields of law and humanitarian efforts. Libras who are more inclined to image and beauty are great employees in cosmetology, fashion, and health.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

☽ Virgo: In Depth ☾

Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Symbol: The Virgin

Virgos are charming, polite people who enjoy helping people and finding stability in life. Virgos are very practical, analytical people who take life as it comes to them..rather than going out to find life. They are ruled by Mercury, the planet that rules communication and language and communicate they do! They love to chat, extensively and exactly. Their audience normally doesn't have too many questions about a story they're telling because they tell it in depth in a manner that's easy to follow. They are curious about everything in life and often ask a lot of questions about other people and their stories. They may seem very sweet, polite, and innocent at first meeting but as one gets to know Virgo further, they're actually very self-aware, honest, and analytical. Virgo is timely and likes to play by the rules (unless they're partying, in which case they often let loose!) in all situations. They have a reputation for being critical of others but in truth, they are doing it in earnest and trying to help their friends and family. Virgo criticism may sting a little but it's normally the product of Virgo's observations and their interest in helping others look good and achieve their goals.
As a friend, Virgo is sympathetic, supportive, and loyal. They love to chat over drinks, shop, and do fun "everyday" type activities while catching up. Virgo is a great person to chat with. They have a great awareness of the world and often have a charming, witty sense of humor about it. They truly care about their friends and want to help them. They make long-term friendships. Even when times are tough, as long as things are talked out in great detail, they like to stick by their friends.
As a lover, Virgo is either with a person or they are not. They're not usually the type to stray and cheat. Virgo enjoys communication with their partner, as communication lays down the pathway for trust. They are sensitive to their partner's needs and wants and like to be the "homemaker". Virgo is also a romantic that likes dates, presents, and traditional courting. They are not normally the type to just jump into a relationship, although they won't say no to a confident, attractive person who just goes for it with them. Virgo likes a close, trusting relationship with clear-cut boundaries and plenty of together time.
As a worker, Virgo is one of the best! They may not be the type to come up with new ideas and innovative, weird ideas, but they play very well by the book and they like to have this responsibility. They get all their tasks done and they expect others around them to do this as well. Virgo also appreciates having money so they will work hard for it. As a caretaker and practical person, Virgo may do well in finances, administration, medical, office, or other solid, well-paying jobs.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Zodiac Cheat Sheet: Shit the Signs Say

So I found this cute little cheat sheet at Shit the Signs Say for understanding the main qualities attributed to each sign according to their element and quality:

Shit the Signs Say is a Tumblr blog dedicated to roasting each sign based on the stereotypical things they say. It's pretty accurate and funny, check them out!

☽ Leo: In Depth ☾

Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Symbol: Lion

Leos are often outgoing, confident people with a lot of ambition and ego. They enjoy having fun, being in the spotlight, and most importantly, expressing themselves. Leos are very family-oriented and warm. They are often cracking jokes or at least smiling! They are ambitious and driven and once they set their mind to something they will achieve it. Leos can fluctuate between being energetic and being lazy (like a lion) and it all depends on them if they want to do something or not. They don't mind being in the spotlight, some prefer it, and they love talking about their lives, friends, family, and achievements. They also love compliments on anything of these subjects. Leos take good care of their physical image, or are often at least aware of the image they want to project. They make take on a sort of "character": the wise guy, the colorful actor, etc.
As friends, Leos are generous, supportive, and protective. Once a Leo respects you, they make you a part of their family and they'll stand up for you in any situation. Even though Leo may be a bit dramatic and in need of attention, they mean the very best and want their friends to have as much fun as they're having. They like to show off how much they care about a person through their pride: openly complimenting them, putting them in the spotlight, paying for their meals, buying them gifts, etc. Leos like to do just about anything with their friends that involves fun and a chance to be around people and express their feelings and opinions.
As a lover, Leo is again supportive and protective. They are very romantic and a little on the cheesy side. They like to shower their lover in attention and expect the same in return. Their emotions are very dramatic and passionate and may rival a romantic movie in terms of the ups and downs. Disagreements with Leo can almost always be solved with flowers, candy, compliments, and super romantic apologies. Leos as parents are very protective and proud of their families, like the wild lion.
At work, Leo is a comedian and may not always take work seriously. They like to gossip, express their emotions, and bring their drama to work. As a boss they may be in between a professional and a friend to everyone at work. They may be a little selfish and asking them for favors may require some amount of groveling (they have a little bit of a king/queen-complex). They can be bossy and self-righteous. Otherwise, Leo is great with people and makes a good face for any company. They are also maternal/paternal and do great with taking care of kids, animals, and elderly. They may also make good entertainers, sales people, bartenders, and events managers.

Signs According to Clayboys!

I loove these cute fridge magnets you see in alternative stores like Whole Foods! I decided to compile them all in one easy place so you can see them all. If you search "astrology fridge magnets" or "Clayboys fridge magnets" these will pop up. They're pretty inexpensive (and the holidays are coming up!) and could make a cheeky little stocking stuffer. They're also accurate in a humorous way, showing both the bright side and dark sides of each zodiac sign.

Aries Positive: energetic, enthusiastic, curious, good leader, selfless, risk-taker, strong-willed, stimulating, assertive, persevering, confident, courageous, optimistic, frank, helpful, direct, spontaneous, inspiring, independent, "extraordinarily exciting"
Aries Negative: brash, lustful, restless, fool-hardy, quirky, hot-headed, blunt, impulsive, argumentative, brazen, bossy, self-centered, jealous, head-strong, "impetuous and impatient"

Taurus Positive: determined, productive, punctual, affectionate, generous, creative, thorough, loyal, patient, warm-hearted, clever, trustworthy, artistic, dependable, persistent, organized, sensuous, resourceful, good-natured, "extremely good looking"
Taurus Negative: brooding, argumentative, inflexible, materialistic, opinionated, hedonistic, bull-headed, self-indulgent, headstrong, lustful, self-centered, "jealous and possessive", obstinate, "exasperatingly self-righteous", stubborn

Gemini Positive: inquisitive, affectionate, open-minded, perceptive, objective, "clever and witty", versatile, eloquent, quick-witted, cheerful, kind, charming, savvy, imaginative, generous, inventive, adaptable, communicative, "twice the fun"
Gemini Negative: restless, sarcastic, gossipy, evasive, "nervous and tense", non-committal, "fickle and two-faced", nosy, cheap, flighty, indecisive, "quickly bored", manipulative, irritable, quarrelsome

Cancer Positive: tenacious, intuitive, perceptive, protective, encouraging, "caring and kind", devoted, supportive, helpful, home-loving, dependable, imaginative, self-reliant, "sensitive and compassionate", "nicer than everyone else"
Cancer Negative:  over-imaginative, suspicious, introspective, "moody and sulky", touchy, crabby, over-sensitive, clingy, needy, devious, self-absorbed, manipulative, possessive, "always procrastinating"

Leo Positive: confident, expressive, romantic, clever, noble, loyal, warm-hearted, enterprising, gracious, "friendly and fun", cheerful, determined, encouraging, energetic, courageous, irrepressible, generous, "born to rule"
Leo Negative:  arrogant, stubborn, pushy, dogmatic, haughty, smug, over-ambitious, jealous, lofty, brash, vain, cunning, proud, patronizing, lustful, temperamental, controlling, pompous, bossy, interfering

Virgo Positive: observant, sympathetic, dedicated, creative, reliable, kind, efficient, helpful, organized, analytical, sensual, witty, charming, industrious, thoughtful, compassionate, "sexy as hell"
Virgo Negative: bitchy, overcritical, fussy, pedantic, "always complaining", indecisive, "always worrying", shrewd, annoying, anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive, argumentative

Libra Positive: idealistic, easy-going, sincere, fair, well-balanced, sociable, artistic, affectionate, expressive, stylish, "good mediator", romantic, creative, charming, diplomatic, communicative, "absolutely fabulous"
Libra Negative: flirtatious, gossipy, "style slave", sulky, self-indulgent, extravagant, "always undecided", escapist, "easily influenced", flighty, over-bearing, gullible, narcissistic, impatient, "intolerant of criticism", manipulative

Scorpio Positive: passionate, tenacious, complex, clever, "brave and loyal", protective, resourceful, investigative, magnetic, social, "good memory", deep, sensual, self-reliant, dynamic, intuitive, determined, "totally hypnotic"
Scorpio Negative: volatile, "demanding and jealous", obsessive, suspicious, moody, shrewd, hot-tempered, brooding, compulsive, intense, over-bearing, cunning, lustful, "impenetrable and secretive"

Sagittarius Positive: frank, enthusiastic, stimulating, optimistic, generous, impulsive, "open and honest", eager, good judgment, candid, fair, sensual, carefree, sincere, adventurous, "positive thinker", "desired by everyone"
Sagittarius Negative:  irresponsible, careless, frivolous, aloof, "blindly optimistic", blunt, rigid, over-confident, overly-critical, demanding, boastful, domineering, tactless, unrealistic, outspoken, impatient, restless

Capricorn Positive: resourceful, ambitious, determined, organized, realistic, canny, goal-oriented, strong-willed, patient, witty, loyal, hard-working, efficient, high standards, fearless, responsible, thoughtful, steadfast, "simply irresistible"
Capricorn Negative:  skeptical, stubborn, "status seeking", rigid, "holds a grudge", wary, miserly, anxious, unmovable, pessimistic, "never satisfied", over-ambitious, insatiable

Aquarius Positive: dependable, thoughtful, impartial, generous, independent, "interested in others", strong-willed, observant, fair, selfless, "loyal friend", open-minded, candid, communicative, idealistic, inventive, individualistic, "perfect in every way"
 Aquarious Negative:  unpredictable, "cranky and rude and tactless", aloof, obstinate, elitist, dogmatic, unyielding, non-committal, insensitive, eccentric, detached, rebellious, unemotional

Pisces Positive: sensitive, adaptable, intuitive, imaginative, helpful, creative, "kind and caring", romantic, trusting, wise, easy-going, even-tempered, multi-talented, friendly, compassionate, "ultra popular"
Pisces Negative: gullible, temperamental, oblivious, vague, "easily seduced", overly-sensitive, "spaced out", wily, idle, indecisive, secretive, impractical, absent-minded, "easily led", escapist, over-emotional

Friday, December 5, 2014

☽ Cancer: In Depth ☾

Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Symbol: The Crab

Cancer is an emotionally in-tune sign with a love for close relationships.  Cancer is ruled by the moon, representing femininity, maternal and female instincts, emotions, and intuition. Cancer is a sign that likes to do things based on how they feel. They may not be as boisterous or fast-paced as your air or fire signs normally are, but they do a great job of connecting with people on all levels. Just like a crab, Cancer may come off tough and sharp on the outside, but on the inside they are sweet, nurturing, and loving. They are somewhat homebodies, who like to have a comfortable place to home to at the end of their workday (they are almost always employed).
You may find that your Cancer friend is a really caring, reliable person. They like to be available for their friends. If you need to borrow something, Cancer has it. If you need a ride somewhere, you can count on Cancer. They are also great listeners and expert at giving heart-to-heart advice. Cancer is also a protector and will protect their friends and loved ones at all costs. They may be prone to bouts of depression or emotional instability, some days wanting to chat and other days preferring to be alone at home. Cancer often takes care of their friends much like a mother or father would, giving them tips, congratulating them on achievements, cheering them on from the sidelines, etc. If you give Cancer your all, they will return it 110%. Cancer is definitely more into close groups of friends than continuously meeting new people and they are often a staple of their group, loved by everyone. However, if you do a Cancer wrong, they have immense emotional power and may react accordingly.
As a lover, Cancer is a long-term type (much like Taurus). They are just as good of a lover as they are a friend. Cancer might be the homemaker or provider in the relationship. Female Cancers may take on a sort of "mother hen" role. They are normally not the type to stray from a relationship unless it's in spite of their significant other. They enjoy romance, passion, and relaxing dates.
At work, Cancer likes to have a long-term position. They may be either really outgoing or very reserved so a customer-service position is hit or miss with them. They are definitely caretakers who might do well as a daycare provider, babysitter, animal shelter or pet store worker, or another position that doesn't involve directly dealing with people such as working in a restaurant kitchen or other behind-the-scenes jobs.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

☽ Gemini: In Depth ☾

Planet: Gemini
Element: Air
Symbol: The Twins

Gemini is a talkative, adventurous sign who enjoys learning and visiting their many friends. Almost always cheerful, Gemini often has a charming outer persona that allows them to socialize continuously, while guarding their inner emotional persona and not losing any emotional energy. You might find that Gemini is clever with their words and knows a little bit about everything..and may have contradictory viewpoints on everything depending on who they're talking to! Being an air sign, Gemini sees the world as if they were looking down from the clouds and has a vast awareness and curiosity about everything going on there. They make friends with people of all walks of life, including people who may not agree with each other on everything. Thus, Gemini may pickup a reputation for being "two-faced". Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet that rules communication through travel, language, music, and money. They love to chat! Gemini can easily hold up their end of the conversation whether it's one-on-one or in the spotlight. Their cleverness with their words usually makes them very likeable. Gemini has short, airy attention-span and needs to travel to feel free and learn as much as they can about everything. You'll never find a Gemini in one place for very long!
Gemini is a fun, intellectual friend that likes activities involving travel and people. They enjoy being at parties, going on spontaneous trips, having get-togethers with their friends over drinks, and they enjoy taking classes or attending seminars. Emotionally, Gemini may seem distant or unavailable which is both a blessing and a curse for them. On one hand, they will usually never get openly upset or annoyed with a friend, but on the other, they may quietly excuse themselves when emotions around them are high and their repressed feelings may make them even more distant over time. Although they are a good listener and great at giving advice, they feel uncomfortable around people who are unstable or cry a lot. They may even exhibit a little self-righteousness because they are usually very good at hiding their own emotions and may expect others to do the same.
Being an air sign that likes to socialize and travel, Gemini is hard to tie down. They get bored easily and live for the excitement in life, so settling down in a relationship may just not be an option for them as a younger person. Plus, they are emotionally distant most of the time. This is not to say they're blank or expressionless, it just means they don't show emotions other than happiness and slight annoyance in public. However, if you do manage to capture a Gemini's attention, you're in for an exciting time. Gemini is always doing something at any given time and will need to travel often and at short notice! They really need a person who will keep up with them and not allow emotions to disrupt a fun day.
As an employee, Gemini is a little hard to keep inspired. Although they're very good with people and will rarely make a scene out of anything, they do need to stay entertained or else they'll look for something new. A journalist, flight attendant, travel nurse, tour guide, talent scout, or international aid worker are all excellent titles for this on-the-go sign.

☽ Taurus: In Depth ☾

Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Symbol: The Bull

Taurus is an easy-going, humorous sign with a tendency towards routine and a love for the comforts in life. They are usually the goofy, relaxed one out of a group. They make for loyal, long-term connections and they're normally great listeners and always a shoulder to cry on. Taurus is normally very level-headed and practical about life. They like stability and for things to be somewhat predictable so this normally means they have a good job, they have their bills paid, and they have enough money to enjoy life (we all enjoy that, don't we?). "Comfort" is the key word for Taurus. They like nice clothing, good food, good drink, they like feeling good. Unfortunately, Taurus' need for routine, love for pleasurable feelings, and Earth-bound caution about life changes and uncomfortable situations makes them a prime candidate for addiction! Many Tauruses find that it's difficult to maintain their weight, strike up an exercise habit, or refrain from drinking or using feel-good/confidence-enhancing drugs like weed (especially weed, although not addictive), ecstacy and other party drugs, methamphetamine, and opiates. Taurus is often shy or soft-spoken in new situations where they don't know very many people and may feel pressure to fit in or speak louder, occasionally using substances to achieve this. 
However, on the bright side, Taurus is a great friend. They like to make people laugh (it makes them feel good!), they love to be 'needed' and reliable to friends, they have a sensual way of looking at the world which makes them deeply philosophical. They enjoy being out in nature or just watching movies on the couch. Unlike some of the fire signs who have a need for speed or the air signs who have (extremely) short attention-spans, Taurus just loves to be in the moment, feeling good, and having a nice time with their good friends.
Taurus is also a very relationship-oriented sign. They care deeply about the people they fall in love with (and they may fall in love often) and are not too likely to stray from their partner unless things are going really badly. Taurus guys really like to provide for their women and Taurus girls are often comfortable as homemakers. Taurus is somewhat traditional in this way and although they have a deep nurturing for their loved ones, they really prefer to stick with these roles! Taurus is as stubborn as the Bull that symbolizes them. They can trample their partner unwittingly if they are fearful or stressed out. This may mean frequent complaining when stuck in a rut, refusal to change any of their ways quickly to accommodate their partner, or even extreme jealousy. Taurus jealousy rivals Scorpio jealousy on the zodiac scale. Taurus likes to keep what is theirs and doesn't want to have to worry about it (because they WILL worry about it). Most of these things are easily forgivable, however, because Taurus is normally not doing any of these things consciously or purposely out of spite.
As an employee, Taurus is perfect! They respect hard work and even more so, they respect the paycheck they get as their reward. Occasionally, Taurus may take on a self-righteous attitude about their coworkers and how they "work harder" than everyone else, but it seems to be one of their only downfalls on the job. They are practical characters who like to work with their hands and be of use to a good company. Reliable careers in culinary, construction, mechanics, gardening, etc. may appeal to them and their love for stability.

Friday, November 28, 2014

☽ Aries: In Depth ☾

Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Ram

Aries is a driven, ambitious sign with a quick temper and infinite energy. Aries enjoys being in the spotlight, being first at things, and especially winning. They see themselves as the best and may be very competitive in school, sports, and work. Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, who represents fearlessness in conflict. Aries doesn't mind fighting for what they want or standing their ground about an opinion. They are passionate people who want to explore the world and conquer it. As a friend, Aries is generally very supportive and upbeat. They love doing activities with friends that involve movement and challenges like hiking, rock-climbing, etc.  However, friends might find it hard to fit into Aries' busy personal schedule!  The Ram always likes to be occupied and on-the-go, even dropping projects for new ones if they find the old one to be too stagnant. This gives them a reputation for being kind of impulsive or flighty. As much as they love their friends, their own personal achievement is really important to them. They love to flaunt those achievements as well, their belief being that every successful person should flaunt their achievements.
As a lover, Aries is difficult to tie down unless they choose you in the first place. They don't like having to wait,  so don't expect them to chase you down to the ends of the earth. The Ram is more likely to bore quickly and search for something new. They enjoy fiery, immediate connections and they're impressed by people who are bold enough to approach them first. In relationships, Aries needs someone who can keep up with them and wants to do fun, sporty things. They can't be in a boring relationship and they especially can't be in a relationship with someone who is overly sensitive and unable to keep up their end in a debate (of which they have a lot!). 
Aries is a leader, not a follower. They may not do well in a humbling employment position, but they flourish in positions where they can manage themselves or others. They have a natural charisma and endless amount of social energy so any career that involves handling people and being in charge, such as a CEO, club owner, sports coach, etc. and all for getting paid a large sum is good for them.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

♡ Elemental & Planetary Rulings of Each Sign ♡

Each sign or cusp sign of the zodiac is ruled by one or more planets in our solar system and one or more of the 4 elements of Earth:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Fire is passionate, friendly, and ambitious but can be self-centered, hot-tempered, and destructive.

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water is emotionally in-touch, deep, and creative but can be stormy, secretive, and unstable.

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Earth is practical, methodical, and reliable but can be stubborn, fearful, and negative.

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air is intellectual, worldly, and communicative but can be distant, indecisive, and flighty.

Cusp Sign Elements:
Aries/Taurus - Fire/Earth
Taurus/Gemini - Earth/Air
Gemini/Cancer - Air/Water
Cancer/Leo - Water/Fire
Leo/Virgo - Fire/Earth
Virgo/Libra - Earth/Air
Libra/Scorpio - Air/Water
Scorpio/Sagittarius - Water/Fire
Sagittarius/Capricorn - Fire/Earth
Capricorn/Aquarius - Earth/Air
Aquarius/Pisces - Air/Water
Pisces/Aries - Water/Fire

Planetary Rulings
Below are the planetary rulings for each sign. Planetary ruling will also come into play later on when we talk about birth charts. Each planet is also symbolized as a mythological god or goddess that many of the traits each sign possesses are based on:

Mars (Ares): Aries, Scorpio.
Mars' Roman mythological representation is the "god of war", and many of his traits are mixed in with the Greek god of war, Ares, who gives Aries their name. The Roman Mars is considered a courageous warrior and protector of Rome, but in Greek fables he represents chaos, conflict, forcefulness, destruction, and a nasty temper. Greek mythology beholds that Ares often hung out with his children (whom he had with Aphrodite, the goddess of Venus) "Fear", "Terror", and "Strife" so if that gives you any idea..Mars rules the sign Aries, and also partially rules Scorpio (also ruled by Pluto) as well. Aries and Scorpio are both seen as domineering, headstrong signs who can hold their own during an argument and don't mind having to fight for what they desire.

Venus (Aphrodite): Libra, Taurus.
In Roman mythology, Venus represents romance, sex, beauty, indulgence, prostitution even, and she was kind of a slut. She had several affairs, out of which she bore many children, with other gods and mortal men while still being married to one guy. Venus' Greek counterpart Aphrodite is a little classier, representing desire and the ability to seduce men with her beauty. Venus rules Libra and Taurus, both signs that enjoy material wealth, good food and drink, and beauty in people, art, and nature. They also are known to indulge in the pleasures life has to offer: many lovers, romantic true love, alcohol and other feel-good drugs, etc. Taurus in particular tends to have problems with addiction to pleasurable activities.

Mercury (Hermes): Gemini, Virgo.
Roman Mercury is the god of merchants and trade, the communication that goes on during bartering. He is Hermes to to the Greek, the messenger of the gods (with wings on his feet), as well as the god of an assortment of things that include: trade, wealth, luck, fertility, language, travel, and thieves. Hermes often seen as a trouble-maker, stealing possessions from all the other gods and goddesses for fun. Besides that, he is seen as the inventor of several staple things like fire, the alphabet, musical instruments, and dice. He is a diplomatic figure with great language skills. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, both signs that enjoy chatting with all sorts of people and communicating their opinions. In Gemini, the "trickster" is kind of exalted through their clever uses of words and they also enjoy traveling, while Virgo is usually seen as a symbol of wealth and fertility.

Pluto (Hades): Scorpio.
In both Greek and Roman mythology, Pluto/Hades is the god of the underworld which obviously represents death, aging, judgment of the soul upon dying, and he was also the most feared of the gods. Hades somewhat represents the Christian Satan, but unlike Satan he doesn't solely represent evil or punishment for sin, he was also in charge of where to send the good people. However, he did wrongly imprison a few good Greek heroes, so he's negatively regarded in Greek myths. Pluto rules Scorpio, a sign that is connected with exploration of the taboos of life: afterlife, sexual sin, corruption of religion, and more. Scorpio is also ruled by Mars/Ares, which stands for conflict and war and may give some insight into Scorpio's stereotype of being deeply intense.

Jupiter (Jove): Sagittarius, Pisces.
Jupiter is the god of thunder, lightening, victory, fair punishment, and often his name invoked just as much fear as the powerful Zeus. He represented state and politics, and the throes of peace and war. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a sign that is often considered to be successful, political, and a fair judge. Jupiter also partially rules the emotional sign of Pisces (also ruled by Neptune), who tends to have empathy for all human beings in a nonjudgmental way (although is very opposite from the violence and wrath of Jupiter).

Saturn (Cronos): Capricorn, Aquarius.
Saturn, or Cronos, is regarded to be the god of generation, periodic renewal, time, agriculture, wealth, and the festivals thrown for him were considered the most lively because they represented plentiful wealth and harvest without labor. Saturn rules Capricorn, a sign of business, achievement, and success. Saturn also partially rules Aquarius (also ruled by Uranus), a sign that represents giving plentiful knowledge and innovation to the world (and they often like to be at festivals!). Cronos was once the king of the gods and is also the father of the almighty Zeus, who succeeded Cronos and became king, which may be where both Capricorn and Aquarius get their humble, but vast awareness of the world.

Uranus (Caelus): Aquarius.
The planet with the most unfortunate name, Uranus represents the sky, and as a god, had a strange relationship with Mother Earth as her husband, but also her son. He is often considered primordial, having been born from either whatever theory that created our universe, or born from the Earth. Uranus in Greek mythology is known also as the "rainmaker" which brings life. Uranus gave birth, along with Gaia (Mother Earth) to many gods, goddesses, and creatures, and monsters. Uranus partially rules Aquarius (along with Saturn), a sign that represents innovation, creation of ideas, vast knowledge, mental power, and a sort of ethereal connection with all other people on Earth.

Neptune (Poseidon): Pisces.
Many people recall Neptune as the god of the sea who holds a trident. He's also the god of freshwater, earthquakes, storms, and horses. He was feared by sailors and often worshiped for victory at the horse races. He even made an appearance as Ariel's father in the Little Mermaid. Neptune partially rules Pisces (along with Jupiter), which may give Pisces their colorful and sometimes stormy nature.

The Moon: Cancer.
There are so many gods and goddesses that the moon is represented by, that it's impossible to list them all here. The moon is extremely important in part because it's one of the only planets that we can clearly see with the naked eye and it is the only other planet besides Earth that human beings have walked on. The moon also governs the tides of the oceans. Most of the myths about the moon are centered on the feminine intuition and even menstrual cycles, a time when a woman's intuition and emotions are at their peak. The moon has many stigmas attached, including: being a watchful eye (a guardian) over the night, lighting the way for travelers lost in the dark, turning people into werewolves, which might've led to the modern superstition that a full moon explains any wild emotional outbursts or temporary changes in loved ones. The moon rules Cancer, a sign of intense emotions, maternal/paternal instinct, deep understanding, and empathy.

The Sun: Leo.
The sun, actually a huge burning star, is perhaps the most important "planet" in the solar system. The sun brings warmth and light to see, which in turn brings life. Almost all living beings on Earth need the sun in order to survive, and human beings are no exception. The sun has been a source of power, any gods that are attached to the sun in mythology also have great power. The sun has several "traits" that include happiness, warmth, wealth, growth, being center stage, grabbing attention, positivity, etc. The sun rules Leo, a sign that's known for exhibiting warmth, cheerfulness, a love for family and friends, a love of self, and an unmistakable personality that can light up a room.

Thanks for reading! ♥

Monday, November 24, 2014

☼ 12 Standard Zodiac Signs & the Zodiac Wheel ☼

In lieu of how many aspects there are to astrology, I'm going to start with the basics: the twelve signs of the zodiac wheel that astrology is centered on. There are many people who know what their personality sign is (a.k.a. your Sun sign) but they don't know about any of the other signs. Below is the standard zodiac wheel:
If you've never seen the zodiac wheel before, it looks like an intimidating sliced pie that has symbols and information like everywhere you look but don't worry! We'll break it down starting with the outer rings of names and symbols.

The 12 Signs

Not all wheels are positioned exactly like the one pictured above, but we always start at Aries and read clockwise around the wheel until Pisces.
  1. Aries: The Ram is represented by the ram because they are headstrong, always up for a challenge, and very direct. They courageously charge head-on into life on impulse. They are the first sign of the zodiac which resonates with how they see themselves: first. They are strong, ambitious, athletic, and comfortable in the spotlight (especially on their achievements) but they are also argumentative, flighty, and self-centered.
  2. Taurus: The Bull is represented by the bull as a symbol of hard-work, reliability, and strong will. Bulls have been a staple of the working world for centuries, they are strong, patient, quiet animals..until they're provoked. This is Taurus in a nutshell: a trustworthy friend and lover, a perfect business asset, and a lover of rewards for their achievements in all forms of materialism and pleasure. But when they are poked and prodded one too many times (and I mean MANY times) or forced to change too quickly they are obstinate, temperamental, and selfish.
  3. Gemini: The Twins is represented by the number 2 and often as a set of twins. Gemini sometimes has a bad reputation because of their observed "two-faced" mentality. One face is their outer mask: charming, funny, clever, cheerful, a perfect social butterfly. The second face is their inner emotions and opinions, which they only show to their closest friends and family; this can sometimes make it difficult for outsiders to trust Gemini. They can also talk their way out of anything! However, Gemini has many friends all over the world due to their knack for chatting and their love for traveling. They may be paradoxical in their opinions or two-faced between you and another of their many friends, but there's no denying that they are the quintessential life of the party.
  4. Cancer: The Crab is a maternal/paternal, loving, and emotional sign..but they may not want you to know it! Just like a crab, Cancer is tough and sharp on the outside, but sweet and soft on the inside. Once they let you in, they make for loyal friends and lovers, protective and nurturing parents, and they are also dedicated employees. Cancer is somewhat of a homebody, so as a friend they're definitely into chatting over coffee or doing something creative in their comfort zone of choice rather than going to a party or somewhere where they're expected to be really social. They're perfectly happy to remain with their close circle of friends than out making tons of acquaintances. Cancer is a lifelong friend OR a lifelong enemy depending on how you treat them. Their emotions are wild and intense and you just might get pinched!
  5. Leo: The Lion is represented by the majestic king (or queen) of the animal kingdom and that's exactly how they like to view themselves. Leo is dramatic, even theatrical at times, courageous, creative, and warm. They have a confidence that drives them to do anything they set their mind to. They love to be around people, they love to be in the spotlight, and they loooove to be indulged in the good side of life. Leos are loving and generous if they like you. Once you earn a Leo's respect they'll never turn you away and you are a valued addition to their family. But if you cross a Leo they will loudly berate you (if there's a crowd around even better for them) and they may hold a dramatic grudge against you for as long as they please.
  6. Virgo: The Virgin is represented by the female virgin and is another sign that has somehow gotten a bad rep. Virgos are analytical, practical, perfectionist, and curious about everything...because they have yet to learn everything! Otherwise, they approach it with caution and may even come off as naive or ditsy when they're doing something they don't know anything about. Their analytical/critical nature can rub some people the wrong way but it comes out of pure truth and is only meant to help. Virgo rarely strikes out in anger, so it's crucial not to take their sometimes blunt observations about your style or your mannerisms very personally. If anything, utilize those observations to your advantage because it came out of earnest concern from Virgos point of view. Virgo is a lovely friend, a dedicated partner, and a long-lasting and timely employee.
  7. Libra: The Scales is the sign of judgment and balance as represented by the scales or often the judicial symbol of the blind-folded woman holding the scales. Libra is a talker who loves creating harmony in social situations, they are romantic and indulgent, and they are often wealthy! Libra loves to chat and you can often find them at a club, surrounded by their many friends and acquaintances, sipping a glamorous drink and dressed to the nines. They love the good side of life and they understand how hard they must work to achieve it. However, Libra may have trouble making decisions because of their need to weigh the pros and cons. It can also make them passive or passive-aggressive in relationships, which can turn into self-righteousness at having to rationalize the fact that they can't be decisive!
  8. Scorpio: The Scorpion is represented by the scorpion, a fiesty, temperamental insect with a poisonous stinger. Scorpio people can often be summed up like so: money, sex, power. Scorpio loves to be successful in whatever they choose to do as a career and they will climb their way to the tippy-top so they can have that seat of power. They like to be in positions of dominance and control, they like to have financial influence, and they like to keep their privacy. Scorpio is often very private about their lives unless you're extremely close with them. It takes time to understand the complexity of Scorpio's emotions and reasoning, but once you understand it and they let you in, you are connected for life. Scorpio has a hard time letting go of things, which may be difficult for friends but perfect for enemies. For friends and lovers, they're dedicated and intensely loving, but be careful if you've betrayed a Scorpio, as they will make sure you pay for it one way or another!
  9. Sagittarius: The Archer is symbolized a the intelligent centaur, a mythical creature that was able to speak with both humans and animals and who was a gifted archer and courageous warrior. Sagittarius is friendly, nonjudgmental, humanitarian, intelligent, philosophical, determined, confident, lucky, fearless, positive, athletically-gifted, creative, communicative, emotionally strong...and the list goes on. Sagittarius has many positive aspects but this does not mean they are perfect. Sagittarius has a reputation for being a know-it-all who may only appear to be book-smart instead of street-smart, an egotistical and argumentative asshole when their highly-researched opinions are challenged, pushy or even obsessive when they want to get their way (even if they're told "no"!), and flighty or forgetful about promises made. However, if you've befriended or caught a Sagittarius's eye, you're in for one wildly fun experience because they like adventuring with friends, meeting new people, they like taking risks, and they enjoy communicating their experiences and opinions.
  10. Capricorn: The Goat is represented by the wise, old goat. Some people may find Capricorn's guarded personality as cold or strictly business, but beneath their simple exterior is a whole world of intellect and drive. Capricorn is all about achievement and the obstacles they must overcome to obtain their goals. They are self-disciplined and level-headed about mostly anything related to money or work. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy but Jack is really effing rich as a result and when he plays, he plays really hard. Capricorns are emotional somewhere in there, but they keep it hidden until you get to know them. And they are hilarious. That is definitely worth mentioning as an aspect of their personality. Whether it's their honest, dry, and vaguely pessimistic sense of awareness about the world and daily life, or their even-toned delivery, or their ability to find humor in even the weirdest things, they are very funny. Capricorn can sometimes put work before their relationships because it's important for them to feel successful, but that doesn't mean they don't like you. They actually make great friends, loving partners, and wonderful employees because when they decide to be a part of something, they stick with it.
  11. Aquarius: The Water Bearer is the person pouring water out of a jug that's held over their shoulder..what?? It's one of the only signs out of the zodiac that isn't quite understood at face value because of the symbol's deep mythological meaning and may come off as a bundle of paradoxes to the untrained eye. The water-bearer is a sort of god/goddess that gives life to the world and society through water, which can be synonymous to knowledge in this case. Aquarius is an intelligent sign and whatever they use their intelligence for, they flourish in it. Often times this is politics, humanitarian issues, technology, all subjects that involve connecting people to another, solving injustice, and sharing their innovation by making the world a better, more logical place. They are social butterflies who like to have an eclectic group of close friends but a vast scale of acquaintances. On the flipside, Aquarius can be perceived as a loner if they're too up in their heads, a book-smart know-it-all, extremely stubborn to the point where they will just defend something to defend it, and sometimes "weird" because of their unique ways of doing things (but trust me, they have some rationalization for everything). Aquarius is often powerfully influential once they understand and hone their abilities through experience and reading books. If they choose to be the CEO of a company, they will achieve it. If they choose to be a good parent, they will achieve it. But be careful, because if you cross them (which is hard to do because they are very easy-going) and they choose to ruin your life, they will achieve it.
  12. Pisces: The Fish is represented by 2 fish encircling each other in a sort of infinity symbol. Pisces is creative, colorful, and has a sort of 6th sense for emotions and vibes. Fish, by nature, are swim in groups, and they navigate the deep bodies of water of the world, which here we can use as a metaphor of the deep human psyche. Pisces love to chat and they love to gossip. Their place is with their people and with the creative passions they choose to express their dramatic feelings. Pisces likes to party and likes to be where the fun is happening. They make romantic, loving partners, and fun, interesting friends. Pisces' 6th sense may catch you off-guard at times during one of your many heart-to-heart talks (they love those!) and can be a blessing or it can be a curse to them because it makes them overly sensitive at times. Pisces' negative emotions may be their one true negative quality as it can bring them down and others may feel like they're drowning with them, and if they get to a certain point, Pisces may express their emotions through outbursts or tantrums OR they may repress them with alcohol and other vices.
The 12 Months: Corresponding Signs & Cusp Signs:
The 3rd and 4th rings into the wheel are the months and month numbers that match up with each sign. Each month contains 2 signs, contrary to popular belief. January doesn't just govern Capricorn, but governs Capricorn and Aquarius. Their is a period of 5 days out of each month where the 2 signs are said to overlap and create "Cusp" signs, which have a blend of traits of both the signs of that month. Below I'll list the standard signs first, in order of month, then the cusp signs after:

Standard Signs
January 20 - February 18 is Aquarius
February 19 - March 20 is Pisces
March 21 - April 19 is Aries
April 20 - May 20 is Taurus
May 21 - June 20 is Gemini
June 21 - July 22 is Cancer 
July 23 - August 22 is Leo
August 23 - September 22 is Virgo
September 23 - October 22 is Libra
October 23 - November 21 is Scorpio
November 22 - December 21 is Sagittarius
December 22 - January 19 is Capricorn

Cusp Signs
January 19-23 Capricorn/Aquarius
February 19-23 Aquarius/Pisces
March 19-23 Pisces/Aries
April 19-23 Aries/Taurus
May 19-23 Taurus/Gemini
June 19-23 Gemini/Cancer
July 19-23 Cancer/Leo
August 19-23 Leo/Virgo
September 19-23 Virgo/Libra
October 19-23 Libra/Scorpio
November 19-23 Scorpio/Sagittarius
December 19-23 Sagittarius/Capricorn

In my next couple posts, I'll elaborate more on cusp signs as well as the elements and planetary rulings of each sign but for now, I hope this gave some of you an insight on how to read the zodiac wheel and understand the basics of each sign! Thanks for reading.