Sunday, November 30, 2014

☽ Gemini: In Depth ☾

Planet: Gemini
Element: Air
Symbol: The Twins

Gemini is a talkative, adventurous sign who enjoys learning and visiting their many friends. Almost always cheerful, Gemini often has a charming outer persona that allows them to socialize continuously, while guarding their inner emotional persona and not losing any emotional energy. You might find that Gemini is clever with their words and knows a little bit about everything..and may have contradictory viewpoints on everything depending on who they're talking to! Being an air sign, Gemini sees the world as if they were looking down from the clouds and has a vast awareness and curiosity about everything going on there. They make friends with people of all walks of life, including people who may not agree with each other on everything. Thus, Gemini may pickup a reputation for being "two-faced". Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet that rules communication through travel, language, music, and money. They love to chat! Gemini can easily hold up their end of the conversation whether it's one-on-one or in the spotlight. Their cleverness with their words usually makes them very likeable. Gemini has short, airy attention-span and needs to travel to feel free and learn as much as they can about everything. You'll never find a Gemini in one place for very long!
Gemini is a fun, intellectual friend that likes activities involving travel and people. They enjoy being at parties, going on spontaneous trips, having get-togethers with their friends over drinks, and they enjoy taking classes or attending seminars. Emotionally, Gemini may seem distant or unavailable which is both a blessing and a curse for them. On one hand, they will usually never get openly upset or annoyed with a friend, but on the other, they may quietly excuse themselves when emotions around them are high and their repressed feelings may make them even more distant over time. Although they are a good listener and great at giving advice, they feel uncomfortable around people who are unstable or cry a lot. They may even exhibit a little self-righteousness because they are usually very good at hiding their own emotions and may expect others to do the same.
Being an air sign that likes to socialize and travel, Gemini is hard to tie down. They get bored easily and live for the excitement in life, so settling down in a relationship may just not be an option for them as a younger person. Plus, they are emotionally distant most of the time. This is not to say they're blank or expressionless, it just means they don't show emotions other than happiness and slight annoyance in public. However, if you do manage to capture a Gemini's attention, you're in for an exciting time. Gemini is always doing something at any given time and will need to travel often and at short notice! They really need a person who will keep up with them and not allow emotions to disrupt a fun day.
As an employee, Gemini is a little hard to keep inspired. Although they're very good with people and will rarely make a scene out of anything, they do need to stay entertained or else they'll look for something new. A journalist, flight attendant, travel nurse, tour guide, talent scout, or international aid worker are all excellent titles for this on-the-go sign.

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