Friday, November 28, 2014

☽ Aries: In Depth ☾

Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Ram

Aries is a driven, ambitious sign with a quick temper and infinite energy. Aries enjoys being in the spotlight, being first at things, and especially winning. They see themselves as the best and may be very competitive in school, sports, and work. Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, who represents fearlessness in conflict. Aries doesn't mind fighting for what they want or standing their ground about an opinion. They are passionate people who want to explore the world and conquer it. As a friend, Aries is generally very supportive and upbeat. They love doing activities with friends that involve movement and challenges like hiking, rock-climbing, etc.  However, friends might find it hard to fit into Aries' busy personal schedule!  The Ram always likes to be occupied and on-the-go, even dropping projects for new ones if they find the old one to be too stagnant. This gives them a reputation for being kind of impulsive or flighty. As much as they love their friends, their own personal achievement is really important to them. They love to flaunt those achievements as well, their belief being that every successful person should flaunt their achievements.
As a lover, Aries is difficult to tie down unless they choose you in the first place. They don't like having to wait,  so don't expect them to chase you down to the ends of the earth. The Ram is more likely to bore quickly and search for something new. They enjoy fiery, immediate connections and they're impressed by people who are bold enough to approach them first. In relationships, Aries needs someone who can keep up with them and wants to do fun, sporty things. They can't be in a boring relationship and they especially can't be in a relationship with someone who is overly sensitive and unable to keep up their end in a debate (of which they have a lot!). 
Aries is a leader, not a follower. They may not do well in a humbling employment position, but they flourish in positions where they can manage themselves or others. They have a natural charisma and endless amount of social energy so any career that involves handling people and being in charge, such as a CEO, club owner, sports coach, etc. and all for getting paid a large sum is good for them.

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