Tuesday, November 25, 2014

♡ Elemental & Planetary Rulings of Each Sign ♡

Each sign or cusp sign of the zodiac is ruled by one or more planets in our solar system and one or more of the 4 elements of Earth:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Fire is passionate, friendly, and ambitious but can be self-centered, hot-tempered, and destructive.

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water is emotionally in-touch, deep, and creative but can be stormy, secretive, and unstable.

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Earth is practical, methodical, and reliable but can be stubborn, fearful, and negative.

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air is intellectual, worldly, and communicative but can be distant, indecisive, and flighty.

Cusp Sign Elements:
Aries/Taurus - Fire/Earth
Taurus/Gemini - Earth/Air
Gemini/Cancer - Air/Water
Cancer/Leo - Water/Fire
Leo/Virgo - Fire/Earth
Virgo/Libra - Earth/Air
Libra/Scorpio - Air/Water
Scorpio/Sagittarius - Water/Fire
Sagittarius/Capricorn - Fire/Earth
Capricorn/Aquarius - Earth/Air
Aquarius/Pisces - Air/Water
Pisces/Aries - Water/Fire

Planetary Rulings
Below are the planetary rulings for each sign. Planetary ruling will also come into play later on when we talk about birth charts. Each planet is also symbolized as a mythological god or goddess that many of the traits each sign possesses are based on:

Mars (Ares): Aries, Scorpio.
Mars' Roman mythological representation is the "god of war", and many of his traits are mixed in with the Greek god of war, Ares, who gives Aries their name. The Roman Mars is considered a courageous warrior and protector of Rome, but in Greek fables he represents chaos, conflict, forcefulness, destruction, and a nasty temper. Greek mythology beholds that Ares often hung out with his children (whom he had with Aphrodite, the goddess of Venus) "Fear", "Terror", and "Strife" so if that gives you any idea..Mars rules the sign Aries, and also partially rules Scorpio (also ruled by Pluto) as well. Aries and Scorpio are both seen as domineering, headstrong signs who can hold their own during an argument and don't mind having to fight for what they desire.

Venus (Aphrodite): Libra, Taurus.
In Roman mythology, Venus represents romance, sex, beauty, indulgence, prostitution even, and she was kind of a slut. She had several affairs, out of which she bore many children, with other gods and mortal men while still being married to one guy. Venus' Greek counterpart Aphrodite is a little classier, representing desire and the ability to seduce men with her beauty. Venus rules Libra and Taurus, both signs that enjoy material wealth, good food and drink, and beauty in people, art, and nature. They also are known to indulge in the pleasures life has to offer: many lovers, romantic true love, alcohol and other feel-good drugs, etc. Taurus in particular tends to have problems with addiction to pleasurable activities.

Mercury (Hermes): Gemini, Virgo.
Roman Mercury is the god of merchants and trade, the communication that goes on during bartering. He is Hermes to to the Greek, the messenger of the gods (with wings on his feet), as well as the god of an assortment of things that include: trade, wealth, luck, fertility, language, travel, and thieves. Hermes often seen as a trouble-maker, stealing possessions from all the other gods and goddesses for fun. Besides that, he is seen as the inventor of several staple things like fire, the alphabet, musical instruments, and dice. He is a diplomatic figure with great language skills. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, both signs that enjoy chatting with all sorts of people and communicating their opinions. In Gemini, the "trickster" is kind of exalted through their clever uses of words and they also enjoy traveling, while Virgo is usually seen as a symbol of wealth and fertility.

Pluto (Hades): Scorpio.
In both Greek and Roman mythology, Pluto/Hades is the god of the underworld which obviously represents death, aging, judgment of the soul upon dying, and he was also the most feared of the gods. Hades somewhat represents the Christian Satan, but unlike Satan he doesn't solely represent evil or punishment for sin, he was also in charge of where to send the good people. However, he did wrongly imprison a few good Greek heroes, so he's negatively regarded in Greek myths. Pluto rules Scorpio, a sign that is connected with exploration of the taboos of life: afterlife, sexual sin, corruption of religion, and more. Scorpio is also ruled by Mars/Ares, which stands for conflict and war and may give some insight into Scorpio's stereotype of being deeply intense.

Jupiter (Jove): Sagittarius, Pisces.
Jupiter is the god of thunder, lightening, victory, fair punishment, and often his name invoked just as much fear as the powerful Zeus. He represented state and politics, and the throes of peace and war. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, a sign that is often considered to be successful, political, and a fair judge. Jupiter also partially rules the emotional sign of Pisces (also ruled by Neptune), who tends to have empathy for all human beings in a nonjudgmental way (although is very opposite from the violence and wrath of Jupiter).

Saturn (Cronos): Capricorn, Aquarius.
Saturn, or Cronos, is regarded to be the god of generation, periodic renewal, time, agriculture, wealth, and the festivals thrown for him were considered the most lively because they represented plentiful wealth and harvest without labor. Saturn rules Capricorn, a sign of business, achievement, and success. Saturn also partially rules Aquarius (also ruled by Uranus), a sign that represents giving plentiful knowledge and innovation to the world (and they often like to be at festivals!). Cronos was once the king of the gods and is also the father of the almighty Zeus, who succeeded Cronos and became king, which may be where both Capricorn and Aquarius get their humble, but vast awareness of the world.

Uranus (Caelus): Aquarius.
The planet with the most unfortunate name, Uranus represents the sky, and as a god, had a strange relationship with Mother Earth as her husband, but also her son. He is often considered primordial, having been born from either whatever theory that created our universe, or born from the Earth. Uranus in Greek mythology is known also as the "rainmaker" which brings life. Uranus gave birth, along with Gaia (Mother Earth) to many gods, goddesses, and creatures, and monsters. Uranus partially rules Aquarius (along with Saturn), a sign that represents innovation, creation of ideas, vast knowledge, mental power, and a sort of ethereal connection with all other people on Earth.

Neptune (Poseidon): Pisces.
Many people recall Neptune as the god of the sea who holds a trident. He's also the god of freshwater, earthquakes, storms, and horses. He was feared by sailors and often worshiped for victory at the horse races. He even made an appearance as Ariel's father in the Little Mermaid. Neptune partially rules Pisces (along with Jupiter), which may give Pisces their colorful and sometimes stormy nature.

The Moon: Cancer.
There are so many gods and goddesses that the moon is represented by, that it's impossible to list them all here. The moon is extremely important in part because it's one of the only planets that we can clearly see with the naked eye and it is the only other planet besides Earth that human beings have walked on. The moon also governs the tides of the oceans. Most of the myths about the moon are centered on the feminine intuition and even menstrual cycles, a time when a woman's intuition and emotions are at their peak. The moon has many stigmas attached, including: being a watchful eye (a guardian) over the night, lighting the way for travelers lost in the dark, turning people into werewolves, which might've led to the modern superstition that a full moon explains any wild emotional outbursts or temporary changes in loved ones. The moon rules Cancer, a sign of intense emotions, maternal/paternal instinct, deep understanding, and empathy.

The Sun: Leo.
The sun, actually a huge burning star, is perhaps the most important "planet" in the solar system. The sun brings warmth and light to see, which in turn brings life. Almost all living beings on Earth need the sun in order to survive, and human beings are no exception. The sun has been a source of power, any gods that are attached to the sun in mythology also have great power. The sun has several "traits" that include happiness, warmth, wealth, growth, being center stage, grabbing attention, positivity, etc. The sun rules Leo, a sign that's known for exhibiting warmth, cheerfulness, a love for family and friends, a love of self, and an unmistakable personality that can light up a room.

Thanks for reading! ♥

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