Friday, December 26, 2014

☽ Sagittarius: In Depth ☾

Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Symbol: Archer/Centaur

Sagittarius is an ambitious, friendly sign with passionate interests in adventuring, philosophy, and sharing information with others. Ruled by fire and the exciting planet of Jupiter, Sagittarius is never uninteresting. These people are often talkative and enjoy having conversations about "bigger picture" topics such as humanitarianism, religion and philosophy, war and peace, culture, and more. And if they aren't talking about it then they are at least almost always aware of it. They are also honest (sometimes to the point of bluntness) and don't feel afraid to express their likes, dislikes, beliefs, or disbelief in any topic or setting. They stand up for themselves and their closest pals (of which they have a lot!). Their interest in sharing opinions with others and traveling bring them a lot of friends. Although very rebellious and sometimes argumentative, their often positive personality makes it easy to forgive them for their occasional outbursts. Their symbol is an arrow or a centaur pointing a bow and arrow, representing their determination at discovering the world. They are intuitive and often know when something "isn't quite right" or a secret is being kept from them. This sign enjoys uncovering the underground culture in life, the "unexposed" sides of things (especially with world issues). They are also very good at achieving their goals and things they decide that they want, even if it means pushing, bossing, or arguing!
Sagittarius is a great friend who will always welcome you with open arms. Rarely do they hold grudges or become overly cautious around others. They like to disregard social labels as well, and find themselves right at home with any new group of people or contrasting group of people. They make stick out like a sore thumb to some people but to the Sagittarius it does not matter at all! As a friend, they enjoy conversation and activity, and if you have an opportunity to travel with them that's all the better! They're up for anything and everything and enjoy spontaneous adventures. Sagittarius is also a generous friend, sharing their knowledge, possessions, and wealth with all their closest friends. In the emotional department, Sagittarius may not be that available however, as they normally are able to take life as it comes and accept life as it goes and may expect that you do the same. They will listen to you but it's possible that they may encourage you to move forward or see the bright side of things (within reason of course) instead of being a shoulder to cry on.
As a lover, Sagittarius is very difficult to pin down for a long-term relationship. There's just so much out in the world to do that they may forgo having a relationship just because they're never at home! They also see opportunity in everything, being the lucky optimists that they are, and may be prone to dating around or even cheating. However, if you do have a loyal Sagittarian at your side they make great partners; always upbeat, strong, and steadfast in the face of adversity. They love intellectual conversation and exchanging opinions and knowledge with their significant others. They are passionate about the people who inspire them and want to support them all the way to success. Even though you may not witness Sagittarius ever having a drawn-out and deeply emotional moment in public with their lover, they may show them in private.
Employed Sagittarius is hit or miss. If they aren't passionate about the career field they're in, they'll make the best of it for the money's sake but you won't ever see them taking it seriously. They are rebellious when it comes to control and authority and will fight for their freedom within an establishment even though they willingly signed a contract stating all the policies! They are prone to innovative thoughts and opinions and will share them with everyone, sometimes even the boss. They are definitely capable, good workers, but are best as entrepreneurs, leaders, or positions that involve independent travel. They are great with people and enjoy communicating and being in a position that requires diplomacy, speech, maybe knowledge of other languages, and a little challenge is perfect for them. If it involves changing the world for the better and helping others, that's a plus. Sagittarius may do best as a lawyer, journalist/reporter, company PR, CEO, humanitarian activist, politician, travel agent or tour guide, traveling salesman, international volunteer (i.e. Peace Corps), translator, or entrepreneur. There's also an overwhelming amount of famous Sagittariuses in the art, music, and acting industries.

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